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Rissa Citizen Science_forests_09.jpg

Map biodiversity & preserve Tromsø’s remaining forests

Goal: Inventory species in forests on Tromsøya, and discourage further urban development.

What you'll do:

Inventory species, monitor recreational activities and public use of forests, advocate for the protection of Tromsø’s forests.


March to September mainly




What the project is about:

If you’ve been in Tromsø for longer than a few days, you’ve definitely spent a significant amount of time in one of the island’s beautiful forests. Maybe you’ve gone skiing with a friend, taken a late-night aurora walk, or sat and listened to the whisper of the trees. Forests are an invaluable resource to communities around Tromsø, human and otherwise. These natural areas offer a refuge from the craziness of everyday life, in addition to homes for various plants and critters. However, Tromsø’s forests are slowly being eaten away by development efforts. THE GREAT UNKNOWN Though we know Tromsø’s forested areas are important to many species, little work has been done to identify and quantify the plants and animals who call these forests their home. Additionally, little is known about the potential presence of red-listed species, whose existence could be further threatened by continued residential and industrial development. WHERE THE PROJECT STARTED In late November 2024, the Municipal and Urban Development Committee (KOBY) published Solneset Plan 1939 for public review, despite opposition from the administration and community members. The proposal would allow for the development of up to 393 residential units across six buildings on a large piece of forested land between Solneset and Mortensnes. This project would cause irreversible damage to one of the largest patches of undeveloped forested areas on Tromsøya; many claim that this region is the only area on the island free from noise pollution and the ever-present glow of streetlights. This area is classified as “A- Very important outdoor recreation area”, acknowledging its invaluable contribution to the community. Every day you will find school groups, bikers, skiers, and walkers embracing this forest and the trails within it. And don’t forget about the plants and animals who rely on it too! TIMELY ACTION Rissa is determined to protect the forested area between Solneset and Mortenses, in addition to preserving all remaining forest land on Tromsøya. Our mapping efforts will keep the Tromsø community and decision makers informed about the valuable species inhabiting the forests. Our outreach and advocacy work will also help to elevate the voices of those in Tromsø who disagree with further development. Keep an eye on our events page to see how you can get involved, or contact us for more information.

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