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Survey an endangered species in Tromsø city center

Goal: Encourage coexistence with the endangered kittiwake [Rissa] in Tromsø.

What you'll do:

Map the nests, rescue fallen chicks, read the rings, keep a watch on illegal nest destructions.



March to September mainly



Tromsø city center

What the project is about:

The black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) is highly endangered (EN) on Norway's Red List. The species is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. But here is the thing: we care about kittiwakes. It is no accident that “Rissa” is the name of our nonprofit. Why are kittiwakes highly endangered? Climate change, overfishing and pollution contribute to this alarming situation. While kittiwakes disappear in the wild, some individuals find refuge in coastal cities like Tromsø, where predation is lower. ENDANGERED AND YET UNWANTED Sharing our urban spaces with kittiwakes brings challenges. For example, kittiwakes can be loud, and their droppings can leave traces on buildings and smell of ammonia. Contrary to a common belief, kittiwakes do not eat our food or waste. They exclusively forage at sea. But they need a structure to build their nest and raise the next generation of kittiwakes. Some building and business owners don’t hesitate to break the law and destroy nests during the breeding season. Others cover their buildings with bird deterrents, which – in the case of spikes – kill more kittiwakes than it deters. TICKING BOMBS Destroying an existing colony is not only a disaster for the birds who will lose their breeding site. Once their former colony has been ruined, kittiwakes relocate, and often to buildings where there was no nest before. The former colony splits in several smaller colonies, and conflict spreads in the neighbourhood. KITTIWAKE HOTELS In Tromsø, the so-called “kittiwake hotels” are a successful example of alternative breeding sites, erected for kittiwakes in compensation for the destruction of their nests on buildings. These hotels are the result of a common effort between Tromsø municipality, bird scientists from NINA (Norwegian institute for nature research), and local architects and artists. THE KITTIWALKERS This is where Rissa’s volunteers enter! In close collaboration with local stakeholders, our volunteers survey the kittiwake nests in town from March to September. Most join the Kittiwalkers, a group of people who believe that coexistence is possible. They meet building owners, listen and inform, offer help and advice, and report illegal destructions if necessary. After receiving a short training, kittiwalkers use a mobile app to survey the nests, and their observations are shared with Rissa’s research partner NINA. Anyone can be a Kittiwalker and contribute to the cause in concrete ways. Kittiwalkers are citizen scientists, watchdogs and whistleblowers. Do you want to support the endangered kittiwake in Tromsø? Become a member of Rissa, and contact us to become a Kittiwalker too!

Join these events

  • 08 Apr 2025, 19:00 – 21:00
    Lars Thørings veg 10, 9006 Tromsø, Norway
    Birdlife Troms is hosting Rissa Citizen Science for an inspiring presentation of the Kittiwalkers! Come along to discover their past achievements, future goals, and how you can be part of protecting Tromsø’s kittiwakes. The event is free and open to all. Don’t miss it!
  • 29 Jun 2025, 12:00 – 05 Jul 2025, 16:00
    Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
    One week, 6 projects, 10 volunteers. Owls, cairns, campfires, songbirds, kittiwakes. Observing, mapping, measuring, contemplating, photographying. Are you potentially interested in this event? Get in touch first :)

Our partner

The Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) is our main partner: we codesign the citizen science methods together,  they receive our observations and share their results with us, so that ultimately we can report to you. We also work in close collaboration with Tromsø Municipality, Tromsø-based artists and architects, and various business and building owners.


Project gallery

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